Author Archives : Jeff Havixbeck

basement reno_homestud_bb

Basement renovation at The Beige Bungalow

What’s up homestuders! Haha I might actually use that from now on 😉 I just realized I never actually told you guys that we are officially starting the basement renovation at the Beige Bungalow. We are going to be updating you guys a little differently this time around. We will still be writing blog posts on the smaller projects within…

home design apps

10 best home design apps and programs

Tackling a renovation can be a daunting task. that’s not right. No one actually seems to have any trouble swinging a hammer and demolishing a room. Planning a renovation and home design is a daunting task. Ah yes, that’s better. I often hear stories from members of this community, as well as friends, and family about how their renovations or…

renovation plan

Renovation plan: Budgeting, designing, and building

“We definitely spent more than planned.” “Our renovation took longer than anticipated.” Why are these the most common statements from people post renovation. It’s usually because they skipped the most important part of the process- creating a renovation plan.  Right now I am in the midst of a basement renovation at the Beige Bungalow. Because I am going through this exact…

hydroponics vs soil

Hydroponics vs. Soil: Your questions answered

From an early age, I can remember my parents planting a large vegetable garden. I’d wander through and enjoy a tomato, snap pea, or the raspberries throughout the summer. Naturally, like many growers, this is where I started my foray into gardening- plain ol’ soil! However, with our short growing season, I was determined to continue growing my own produce…

soil vs potting mix

Soil vs potting mix

Soil vs potting mix, is there a difference? These terms are often used interchangeable, however, they really shouldn’t be. What is soil? Natural soil is a mix of silt, clay, and sand. It contains organic matter, gases, liquids, and an extremely diverse array of micro- and macro-organisms. Soil is part of earth’s pedosphere, which has four major functions. Healthy soil…