The IKEA kitchen sale comes around three or four times a year, lasting roughly a month. In general, IKEA offers up to 20% off any kitchen items including cabinets, appliances, countertops, and organizers. The kitchen event covers pretty well everything kitchen related!
I have spoken to other designers and contractors from both Canada and the United States, and it seems the deals aren’t the exact same everywhere. The one constant- IKEA offers cash back in the form of gift cards and sometimes free shipping.
You need to spend a minimum of $1,000 in order to qualify for the IKEA kitchen sale in my neck of the woods (Edmonton, Alberta). That will net you 10% back in gift cards. If you purchase 2 appliances along with your kitchen, your cash back will increase to 15%, and 3 or more appliances will make it jump to 20%. Interestingly, I spoke with friends south of the border and they mentioned the IKEA kitchen sale gave 15% cash back on a minimum $2,000 purchase. It also included free delivery. So although the IKEA kitchen sale isn’t identical in all areas, one thing is for sure- the deal is unbeatable.
Before we get into the nitty gritty, a quick shameless plug. If you are planning a renovation, we would love to work with you. At Homestud Studios, we’ll create a tailored space that fits YOU and your lifestyle. We’ll assemble a package with everything you need to whip through the ordering process at IKEA…well as fast as one can anyways. Your package will also include extra plans and 3D renderings to give you the best visualization of your new space.
Tips for the next IKEA kitchen sale

1) Be an IKEA Family Member (it’s free!)
There is a little known secret that many people do not know about, and it all relates to the IKEA family card. IKEA Family members get a 90 day price guarantee (on any purchase). That’s HUGE when it comes to the IKEA kitchen sale. It means that you can purchase your IKEA kitchen at any time of year (pretty much). When the sale rolls around, head back to IKEA for a price adjustment.
This allows you to avoid the craziness of the IKEA kitchen sale- the lines, out of stock items, etc. If you are worried about buying outside of the 90 day window, check the timing of past events or prod the staff in the kitchen section to determine when the next IKEA kitchen event will take place. As long as it is within 90 days, you are good to go. Skipping the need to align your schedule with IKEA’s calendar is a perk when doing large scale renovations, working with contractors, or even just looking to get things done around the house.
NOTE: This may not be the case anymore. Thanks to one of our readers for notifying us of this change. I am going to dig in with the folks at my local store and get the full scoop.

2) Do your homework and be prepared
Walking into the store for the IKEA kitchen sale shouldn’t be the first time you are thinking about what you want. Go in prepared. Time for another shameless plug…working with us at Homestud Studios will ensure you show up to the store with everything you need. If you plan to go at it on your own, check out our tips for designing and planning the perfect kitchen. We want to help you with your renovation in whatever way we can.
Don’t walk in with the hopes of sitting down at a computer and building a design from scratch, or asking a staff member about the in’s and out’s of all the different appliances. IKEA may be an off-the-shelf system, but the possibilities are near endless. Trying to make decisions under the pressure of bodies moving in every direction during the IKEA kitchen sale is a recipe for disaster. A sure fire way to wind up forgetting items! Give yourself ample time beforehand to make any tweaks to your kitchen design, and research any appliances you may be interested in buying. That being said, I have typically found the staff very helpful for those final few in store questions.
Being prepared is two-fold. Not only do you want to be prepared with your design, you will also need to be prepared with some patience. Even when I show up with everything planned and in order, I still expect to spend around 2-3 hours at IKEA. It also seems as though I’m not alone, as others have also endured the same fate. Everything takes time, from placing the kitchen order, paying at the checkout, to waiting for the items to be picked. Just remember, they don’t start picking your purchased items until you have paid.

3) Hit the IKEA kitchen sale early
They say the early bird gets the worm. Nothing is more true when it comes to the IKEA kitchen sale. It is not uncommon for items to be out-of-stock or backordered throughout the sale, and this only increases as the kitchen event winds down. All you have to do is read some of the comments on the IKEA kitchen review post to see what a hassle it becomes when only half the items you require are in stock. Go early to minimize the need for repeat trips!

4) Skip the store
Dreading the idea of fighting crowds and standing in line? Skip the store entirely and order online or over the phone. All you need to do is ensure everything you require is saved in the Home planner. Just click buy online and take advantage of the free shipping. Alternatively, phone it in and have an agent pull up your design via your account number and get your items ordered. Use the free delivery to your advantage and skip the store all together.

5) You may forget something
A big kitchen renovation takes millions of pieces, or at least it feels that way. Sometimes, you just forget something. If the sale has already ended before you noticed, try asking for the discount anyways. IKEA stores are known for honoring the kitchen sale prices after the event, especially if you can show a prior receipt with a full kitchen purchase. I can’t guarantee you will get the sale price, but it’s always worth a shot.
Bonus tip for the IKEA kitchen sale:
If you can swing it, try go on a weekday. Mornings are typically the quietest, but any weekday will be better than going on the weekend. This will minimize crowds and vastly improve the customer service experience. It probably also leads to fewer errors when the items are picked as well.
Now you’re ready to tackle the next IKEA kitchen sale like a pro. So why wait? Get started on your design today, so you are prepared when the next kitchen event comes to town!
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would like to know when your next kitchen event will be..
Hi Barbara – I’m not associated with IKEA in any manner. We are an independent kitchen designer who specializes in designing beautiful spaces using IKEA cabinetry.
The IKEA family price guarantee works for cabinets and countertops too? Hoping to hit it up before the actual kitchen sale and still be able to come back for the discount when the sale starts. (I am in Alberta too).
I have had no issue with it in the past. That being said, I think their typical return policy and price guarantee is 90 days which pretty well covers the entire gap between kitchen events anyways. This is how I skip the IKEA kitchen event every time and buy my materials before it starts (always in stock) and then get my gift card once the event starts.
Thank you! I was on the IKEA online chat today (waited 45 mins) and the person said kitchen items are only 45 days for price guarantee – everything else, 90 days? Was she just out to lunch, or should I call? It’s so hard to find all the details and true facts from IKEA right now.
Yes it really is. I can’t make any promises (and maybe they have changed it), but I have not had issues in the past. I’ll do some digging as well and see if anything has changed so I can also update my article.
That would be great, thank so much Jeff!
Any more info you’ve found on the 90 days vs. 45 days?
Hi Sara- I still can’t find anything stating only a 45 day guarantee. With that being said, I have not spoken with anyone in person at IKEA yet. Next time I am in there ordering, I will be able to get more clarification.
Hi Jeff. I know you aren’t associated with IKEA, but I’m wondering if your dealings with them for so long gives you a rough idea of when a big kitchen event might happen, or is this limited sale that’s on kitchen stuff until Aug. 5 “it”.
We usually go to the Coquitlam, BC IKEA, with Richmond as a backup. We are fortunate to have 2 IKEA’s within a half hour drive of us!
With the current world events, your guess is as good as mine. Unfortunately, I couldn’t even make an educated guess for the timing of the fall kitchen event. I would assume it would still occur in some capacity because it is IKEA’s largest draw.
There is no 90 day guarantee any longer for Family members, so wrong info here.
This must be a recent change- thanks for letting me know! I took advantage of the 90 days on my last kitchen order. I will make a note of this in the article.
What four times a year does the kitchen sale happen? Do you know exact months by any chance?
I don’t know the exact dates. The best method to find out roughly when the next sale may be is to pick the brains of the employees in the kitchen department at IKEA.
Hi Jeff
Great article….. I live in UK but planning on having a new kitchen put onto our holiday apartment in Portugal.
Is there any particular Ikea range that you would recommend over others? It is a fairly small area
Hi can you tell me when your next sale date will be for kitchens
I cannot unfortunately, I am not associated with IKEA in any way. Our design studio is completely separate.