Tag Archives : design

the homestud picture ledge

Easy DIY wood picture ledge

Is it a picture ledge? Or a picture rail? Or maybe it’s a picture shelf? Let’s just go with picture…thingamajigger. Honestly, I have heard these called so many different names, but for this article we are going to stick with picture ledge. What is a picture ledge? If you are here, I’m guessing you already know what a picture ledge…

basement reno_homestud_bb

Basement renovation at The Beige Bungalow

What’s up homestuders! Haha I might actually use that from now on 😉 I just realized I never actually told you guys that we are officially starting the basement renovation at the Beige Bungalow. We are going to be updating you guys a little differently this time around. We will still be writing blog posts on the smaller projects within…

renovation plan

Renovation plan: Budgeting, designing, and building

“We definitely spent more than planned.” “Our renovation took longer than anticipated.” Why are these the most common statements from people post renovation. It’s usually because they skipped the most important part of the process- creating a renovation plan.  Right now I am in the midst of a basement renovation at the Beige Bungalow. Because I am going through this exact…