Tag Archives : exterior

hydroponics vs soil

Hydroponics vs. Soil: Your questions answered

From an early age, I can remember my parents planting a large vegetable garden. I’d wander through and enjoy a tomato, snap pea, or the raspberries throughout the summer. Naturally, like many growers, this is where I started my foray into gardening- plain ol’ soil! However, with our short growing season, I was determined to continue growing my own produce…

soil vs potting mix

Soil vs potting mix

Soil vs potting mix, is there a difference? These terms are often used interchangeable, however, they really shouldn’t be. What is soil? Natural soil is a mix of silt, clay, and sand. It contains organic matter, gases, liquids, and an extremely diverse array of micro- and macro-organisms. Soil is part of earth’s pedosphere, which has four major functions. Healthy soil…

Part 2/3: Benefits of decks vs patios

In our last post we discussed the benefits of patios over decks. In our second of three blog posts on this subject, we will address the benefits of decks vs patios. Decks are solid surfaces typically constructed out of wood or vinyl composite material (the difference is discussed below). They are most often constructed above ground level where patio or…